How to Look Hot in a Men’s Luxury T-Shirt

How to Look Hot in a Men’s Luxury T-Shirt

Photo by Alex Holyoake at

What were you thinking the last time you threw on a T-shirt and headed for the door? Were you in a rush? Anxious to shed your straight-laced business attire? Or maybe, that T-shirt was the first clean thing you could find. Whatever was on your mind, we bet it had little to do with dressing to impress – but it should have. Nothing says more about a man than how he dresses, at work and at play. The right tie can make you appear confident, right suit – sophisticated, right shoes – fearless. But the right T-shirt, well that’s your best chance to come across as seriously hot! It’s true. There are very few flaws that can’t be turned around with the help of a well-made, classic, ubermasculine T-shirt.


Add a few inches

A T-shirt with dark vertical stripes will elongate and slim your torso, creating the impression that you’re taller than you really are.  V-necks also can add height and help compensate for a short neck. Stay away from plunging necklines though – unless you’re an exhibitionist at heart. To be safe, the point of the V should align roughly with your armpits. And beware, a V-neck will draw attention to your chest. So, if you really want to rock this style, a few more hours at the gym might be in order. 


Broaden your shoulders

Any number of tricks will add heft to your upper body. Choose T’s with bright color panels or horizontal stripes across the chest and shoulders, distinctive edging around the collars and sleeves, crew necklines, and breast pockets. If these options aren’t sufficient, add a structured blazer or jacket to frame your torso and square those naturally sloping shoulders.


Streamline your midsection

If you’re trying to conceal a little softness around your waistline, navy, black, and charcoal grey should be your go-to colors. Monochromatic T’s in dark hues will help you hide those extra inches and appear leaner. Secondly, make it a point to choose classic fits over tapered or slim fits. A T-shirt should gently follow the curve of your body – without revealing too much. A good rule of thumb is that you should be able to pinch roughly an inch of fabric on either side of the shirt when wearing it. While you don’t want a shirt that’s overly roomy, you also don’t want one that’s pulled so taut, wrinkles form in unattractive places. Lastly, learn how to skillfully and artfully use accessories (designer glasses, patterned socks and trendy trainers) to draw attention away from your midsection. The only accessories to avoid are bold, flashy belts. Leave your T-shirt untucked, letting the bottom of the shirt fall loosely around the top of your hips. And if all else fails, grab your trusty blazer. A handsome wool tweed with sharp-looking angles can create an aura of casual sophistication, while at the same time covering all manner of sins.


Show off those biceps and triceps

Nothing will highlight your chiseled physique more so than a classic T-shirt with rolled, bicep-hugging sleeves. However, tread carefully when experimenting with this look. Settling on just the right sleeve length is essential. Sleeves rolled all the way up to your shoulders will send out some heavy-duty machismo vibes. In general, T-shirt sleeves should end around mid-bicep and gently cling to – not strangle – your upper arms. The attitude you should be trying to convey here is unassuming – but confidant, empathetic – but macho; and most importantly, groomed – but nonchalant. That’s where the roll comes in. There are several approaches you can try (many of which have been immortalized on YouTube). A hot iron, safety pin or rubber band will give your rolled sleeves a little more lasting power. But if you prefer a freestyle approach, then by all means, roll by hand and embrace the slightly disheveled look. Just try for a matched set and be prepared to re-roll if one of your sleeves decides to succumb to gravity faster than the other. But don’t feel compelled to get out the measuring tape. A few imperfections will only add to your charm.


Minimize the “Popeye” effect

Are you so pumped up that describing you as “buff” would be an understatement? If so, whether your ripped torso is the result of good genes or endless hours at the gym, you’re going to want to dress in a way that creates a sense of balance between the lower and upper halves of your enviable bod. Do this by reducing visual clutter above the waist. A close-fitting – but not too tight – V-neck, spandex blend T-shirt will stretch comfortably and cleanly across your chest and shoulders, while seeming to narrow your upper body dimensions by drawing the eye down. Also, avoid loud prints and patterns, breast pockets, or busy detailing that might add imagined bulk to your already considerable physique. If a jacket is called for, choose one with unstructured shoulders and as little padding as possible. In short, when choosing, layering, and accessorizing your luxury T’s, just keep telling yourself less is more.


Add a little meat to those bones

Have you been called downright skinny? Thin as a rail? Are people always trying to feed you? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then take every piece of advice offered in the preceding paragraph and reverse it. When choosing luxury T’s, you want to look for crew necks (not V-necks), horizontal (not vertical) stripes, bright (not subdued) colors, and dizzying (the busier, the better) prints and patterns. Learn to layer and love it. Add a casual button-down shirt, a thick, wool sweater, or a generously padded jacket. And don’t stop there. Accessorize with a wraparound scarf, metal-rimmed aviators, and your favorite baseball cap or beanie – maybe even a jaunty wool felt Ascot cap. In other words, the thinner you are, the more you can get away with when it comes to men’s fashion and the latest trends. So, the next time someone calls you a beanpole, just smile graciously, help yourself to a second (or third) slice of pizza, and think about how great you’re going to look in that new chartreuse T-shirt and houndstooth sport coat.


Conventional wisdom tells us fashion begins with fit. And everyone knows that how well a piece of clothing fits is reliant, in part, on body type. However, while we understand the temptation to classify a man’s body type by how closely he resembles a particular geometric shape or piece of fruit, we also believe every man can look good (and often surprisingly good) in a high-end, well-made luxury men’s T-shirt. That’s why here at Epic Mens, we carry only top-of-the-line men’s clothing brands prized for their quality men’s sportswear.


Visit us today at to peruse our collection of men’s designer T-shirts from such internationally acclaimed brands as Derek Rose, Psycho Bunny, Left Coast Tee and Red Jacket. Regardless of whether you’re shaped more like a rectangle or more like an oval, we can outfit you in a selection of fashion-forward crew neck and V-neck T-shirts that are perfect for work, relaxing and everything in between. All are made from premium Pima cotton and performance-tested stretch blends that are incredibly soft, durable and highly resistant to pilling, shrinkage and fading. But it’s the small details – ribbed necklines that won’t lose their shape, shoulder seams that stay put, side vents that increase mobility, and fabrics especially designed to breathe and move with you – that really stand out.


You might be thinking this is way too much info about something as simple as a T-shirt. Maybe, but when you consider how many hours you’re going to spend wearing that T-shirt and how many people are going to see you wearing it, you might want to think again. After all, anyone can look good in a suit, but a T-shirt, well that’s a different story.
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